Suggested contexts

Contexts you can use to shape a resistance and conflict based programme of learning. 

  • The Musket Wars

    • Did the musket wars signal a new kind of conflict in Aotearoa?

    • What were the long reaching consequences?

  • Te Reo Māori – decline and renaissance of Māori language

    • What affect did the decline of Te reo Māori have on identity, place and a sense of belonging?

    • How was Te Reo revitalised in your local area? Did that reflect the national movement towards revitalisation?

  • The New Zealand Land Wars

    • How have change and conflict characterised your local area?

    • Are the Pākehā and Māori experiences of conflict in your community comparable?

  • Raupatu

    • What were the short term and long term consequences of land confiscation?

    • How could the confiscation of land in the past affect the future of your community?

  • Parihaka

    • What were the effects on Aotearoa as a nation when the local Parihaka conflict became a national event?

    • What parts of the Parihaka story run parallel to the story of iwi in your local area?

  • World Wars I and II

    • What were the individual and local responses to the two world wars in your community?

    • How far reaching were the consequences of those responses?

  • Māori protest and civil rights

    • Explore local and national protest movements. Who showed leadership and a strong dedication to the cause? How were they supported (or derided) by local people?

    • Have there been times in your local area where a group or individual has been denied their civil rights? For what reason? What were the consequences?

Whina Cooper leads Māori land March to Parliament 13 October 1975.