Contexts you can use to shape an iwi/local history based programme of learning
Trading and the economy
How have economic decisions affected the social and whānau fabric of local iwi?
Māori businesses are role models on the international scene for other indigenous peoples and role models for New Zealand business due to the tikanga-related principles they use to govern. Why is this?
Māori prophets
What prompted and supported indigenous Māori religious movements in your local area?
What local and national influence did the Māori prophets have, and why?
Māori leaders
What forms has local leadership taken over time in your local area?
What influence has the Māori assertion of rights had on global leadership?
Place of Māori women
How have the roles, rights, and responsibilities of Māori women changed in your area over time? What ideas and events have brought about that change?
What role did local women play in the Nga Komiti Wahine and the suffrage movement?
Māori health
What health issues have affected local iwi over time?
What historical factors contributed to a local and national health crisis?
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